Becky Kiser
Becky is committed to seeing women know, love and follow God and His Word so they can live freer and fuller lives. She is a certified Life Coach, teaches at Christian women’s events and prisons, hosts the More Than Ordinary with Becky Kiser podcast, and authors books and Bible Studies. She released Sacred Holidays: Less Chaos, More Jesus with LifeWay last fall and she will be releasing her first non-holiday Bible study, But God, this coming year! Becky and her husband, Chris, live in The Woodlands, Texas with their three girls.
Connect more with Becky Kiser!
Website | beckykiser.com
Instagram | @beckykiser
Twitter | @beckykiser
Facebook | Becky Kiser
Private Facebook Group (all are welcome) | More Than Ordinary with Becky Kiser
Podcast | More Than Ordinary with Becky Kiser