Online Women's
Bible Study
How did this start?
In the Spring of 2020 Becky Kiser saw spring retreat after spring retreat getting cancelled during this unprecedented Covid-19 crisis, she had the idea to pull something together that could be the help so many needed.
- She wanted to provide a retreat for all women to come to because we’ve never needed one more!
- She wanted to provide a retreat for teachers of God’s Word because they have a message of hope for us that is burning in their souls to teach, and were grieved over their events being cancelled!
- And she wanted to provide a way for churches to still gather their women together virtually, even if they had to be distanced from one another in separate homes!
So Becky reached out to her brother, Nils, owner of Amplify Media, because he is a genius with helping maximize the impact businesses and ministries can make online. Together--because all parts of the body are needed--they were able to pull this with God’s great grace and provision!
What happened next blew all expectations away as more than 7,000 women joined the retreat and the response was overwhelming. The women who engaged in the retreat desired more teaching and more community, so Online Women’s Bible Study was created to go beyond a one-time event and expand into an ongoing community.

Becky Kiser
Host of Online Women’s Bible Study
Becky is committed to seeing women know, love and follow God and His Word so they can live freer and fuller lives. She is a certified Life Coach, teaches at Christian women’s events and prisons, hosts the More Than Ordinary with Becky Kiser podcast, and authors books and Bible Studies. Sacred Holidays: Less Chaos, More Jesus, (released with LifeWay last fall), and she will be releasing her first non-holiday Bible study, But God, this coming year! Becky and her husband, Chris, live in The Woodlands, Texas, with their three girls.
In Partnership With
Amplify Social Media
Founded by Nils Smith, Amplify Social Media is a Digital Marketing Execution Agency based in New York City.
With a strong core of digital creatives and a primary focus on social media, it is Amplify Social Media’s mission to help leaders maximize media to accomplish their goals.
We maximize social media through four core areas of focus:
- Strategy – everything we do starts with a clear and intentional strategy with defined goals and measurable results.
- Creative – from graphic design, video and audio production, and copywriting our team is ready to develop all creative assets necessary to execute every marketing strategy.
- Execution – this is where the rubber meets the road. Our team distributes all content created to all platforms and manages the execution of all deliverables from content creation, optimization, distribution, and response.
- Analytics – every marketing and media strategy comes with clearly defined targets and monitoring and measuring analytics. Our team uses any tool necessary to both measure key analytics, and create clear reports to make sure you are able to clearly understand the effectiveness of every initiative.
To find out more or to contact Amplify, visit their website: https://amplifysocial.media/
Statement of Faith
WE BELIEVE that God is the source of all love and good, and all things good come from God. The world is beautiful, and the world is broken. God created all things good, but we corrupted this creation. God loves us, and by His grace, delights and desires to rescue us and to restore us in our relationship with Him. God stepped into our broken world to give forgiveness and life to all who trust in His salvation, Christ as our Savior. Jesus died on the cross as a perfect substitute for our penalty of sin, and resurrected to overcome death caused by sin. Through faith in Jesus Christ – not being good enough or doing enough good – we are restored to a right relationship with God.
WE BELIEVE there is only one God, the uncreated Creator, who exists eternally as a Trinity of three persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. Each member of the Trinity is fully and equally God, yet personally distinct from one another.
WE BELIEVE that God in the flesh, Jesus Christ, lived a sinless life, was crucified and died on the cross, was resurrected from the dead, and ascended to Heaven.
WE BELIEVE the Holy Spirit of God comes to live within a person once they trust in Christ as their Savior. The Holy Spirit indwells all believers to live a powerful Christ-like life, to build an intimate relationship with God, to secure salvation, and to give gifts that build the church and spread the Gospel.
WE BELIEVE God created men and women to live in relationship with Him, but the first humans chose to rebel against God and brought sin into the world. Sin spread like a virus to all humans, and all have sinned, and our sin has separated us all from God.
WE BELIEVE that the Bible is God’s Word to us, written by men who were inspired by God. God wrote His Scriptures to reveal Himself to mankind, and to direct us in His best way to live life.
WE BELIEVE the church is God’s powerful plan for His people. Living in community as a diverse family, loving and serving and helping one another grow in our faith, we reveal God’s plan for restoring goodness into our world.